

Monday, September 9, 2013

It's OK to be YOU!

I believe in biodiversity. I believe that God created us to be who we are -- that each person has his own characteristics, that every individual is unique, and that each soul is special. Whatever His purpose may be, you should acknowledge the fact that you are one of a kind and others are too.
Needless to say, being who you are is perfectly OK, but frustrations and questions come when the standard of following Christ sets in.

While it is important to follow norms, rules, and customs, we should not be too hard with our selves (more so with others) in as much as following Christ is concerned.

He, and only He, has the reason why we act the way we do, or at the very least, why He allowed it so. He knows the reason why He permitted certain things to happen in our lives, that brought us to where, and who we are right now.

We should never lose our identity in the process of serving our God. We can never really share, and show Christ to anyone, if we’ll fail to acknowledge who we are, if we’ll fail to become the way we are designed to be.

St. Catherine of Siena: "Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."

The trick therefore, is how to create more opportunities, so that others may experience HIM through our uniqueness.

Let us LIVE our lives to the full, LAUGH more often, and LOVE out loud.

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