

Thursday, August 25, 2011

no sleep til brooklyn.

There’s this night shift security guard who told his boss to cancel his flight early morning after his shift. When his boss asked why, he said that he dreamt about a plane exploding just right after take-off. Fearing for his life, the boss took the security guard’s advice and stayed home. True enough, the plane he was supposed to be in crashed with no survivors. After hearing the news, he called the security guard, thanked him for the advice and then fired him.

Fired?! Why?

He failed to do what is expected of him. He slept during his shift.


I am a natural bum. Being the only child, I have all the right to be that, at least that’s what I think. To my defense, I’ve always told people that I was raised to be that. I have lived my life ignoring the things I ought to do until I get to know Christ through YFC.

Who would have thought that a simple yes in my Youth Camp would turn my life upside down? That it was part of a grand scheme to change my life for the best – the start of my efficiency training?

The first responsibility given to me was to be a Youth Camp Servant, the one responsible for doing dishes, cleaning, and serving the participants through various chores. After this, the rest was history. This first responsibility paved way for bigger and more exciting tasks. I have experienced being a facilitator, music ministry, team leader, chapter head, cluster head, campus executive vice president, campus based head, mission volunteer, and a fulltime pastoral worker in the province as well as international missions. Now comes another part of God’s personal efficiency training for me, as He leads me to transition into a marketing supervisor of a world class company that is geared up to set the world on fire.

Needless to say, I am living my life to the full. Should have I slept when Christ came, should have I decided to miss that opportunity to serve Him, neglected my duties and gone astray with my responsibilities, I wouldn’t be where I am right now.

It has been 15 years now, 15 years of God’s grace, 15 years amazed of how God used me to do His works and transformed me to be the person He wants me to be.

Today’s gospel isn’t just a warning for us to be prudent and vigilant at all times, it is also reminder of a promise that God blesses those who are up for the challenge, those who will take their responsibilities head on.

Live. Laugh. Love.
a reflection on Matthew 24:42-51 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

trials. (3pts a day)

Trials aren’t there to reveal one’s weaknesses; it should rather showcase God’s greatnessHis majesty.

One’s trials shouldn’t slow him down; it should instead compel him to do more basking on God’s faithfulnessHis unfailing grace.

Not an end but just a test of one’s heart – of one’s unwavering confidence that he is loved no matter what.

Even with the afflictions, continue to Live your life to the full.
Perplexed your heart may be, still, Laugh more often.
Amidst persecution know that you are not forsaken, so be loved and Love.
a reflection on 2 Cor 4:6-10,16-18


I don't play basketball not because i don't like playing it but simply because i don't know how. I am afraid that people will just mock me and/or that I'll be laughed at. After all, i am a man with pride (lots of it actually hehe!).

But last night, i sensed it's one of those rare moments i know i shouldn't miss.. so with a bit persuasion (more like peer pressure), once more i said yes to craziness (click to read more).. 

I played, survived and enjoyed it.

Fear of ridicule: conquered!

Want to hear a good advice from me? Here: If you want to achieve something.. if you want to conquer your fears.. if you believe that you are destined for greatness.. don't just sit comfortably in your home thinking about it. Go out and get busy!

Live your life without fear,
Laugh and learn form your mistakes,
Love and be loved.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

generosity. (3 pts a day)

1) Our God is capable of overwhelming generosity. His abundance cannot be undone.

2) Our God loves a cheerful giver. Don’t just give, share generously.

3) Our God provides. We need not fear being short. Trust.

In trying times (like delayed allowances haha!), may we learn to...
...LIVE our lives without fear knowing that we have a God who blesses over-abundantly,
...LAUGH more often and share happiness to those who also are in need and
...LOVE by giving cheerfully & generously. 


a reflection on 2Cor9:6-10