

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Loving vs being self-righteous.

somebody coined: 
didn't Jesus teach us love and Forgiveness... define being righteous? "if any among you have no sin, you can cast the first stone." - even a righteous person has no right to judge anyone. look at yourselves and your secrets 1st....


First, define love. A person who can’t define love surely can’t differentiate a "loving correction” from “being self-righteous”, surely he/she will not know when one ends and the other begins.

Secondly, note that we care to correct because we love. Now, a self-righteous person has no right to judge anyone, but they have the right to love, don't they?

It's pretty much like how my mom is to me.
My mom scolds me every time I'll do something stupid.
Does that mean she doesn't love me?
She corrects me even she has her own mistakes, does that make her self-righteous?
My mom has no right to reprimand me because she too is a sinner?

If our answer to these questions are no, then i guess we have more or less an idea of what "loving correction" is, as opposed to "being self-righteous".

Lastly, who is throwing stones to whom?
Nobody's judging anybody, correction is but just a regular and necessary process to make our lives better, nothing less, nothing else. Growing together in holiness by being accountable to each other is something we do in a "community", isn't it?

And by the way, throwing stones is so ancient, we don't do that anymore, only primitive people do that. We aren't one of them, are we?


May we Live humbly to accept corrections, Laugh from our stupidity while learning from it and Love unconditionally.

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