

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

ask. seek. knock. (3pts a day)

Ask. It will be given.
Seek. You will find.
Knock. The door will be opened.

No complications. No strict rules. It is that simple. Really.

Live simply, laugh more often, love out-loud.
a reflection on Mt7:7-11

Monday, June 20, 2011

judge. (3pts a day)

When Christ said “stop judging, that you may not be judged”, it is not a prohibition against recognizing the faults of others, but against passing judgment in a spirit of arrogance, forgetful of one’s faults.

Funny how this affirms my blog about "loving correction" as opposed to "self-righteousness" , that caused me a lot of trouble. (haha!) But all is well now, and i honor the brother for that incident, i was humbled by it and somehow learned my lesson.

With that, [1] let us pray that He may grant us the grace to see the difference between loving and self-righteousness, [2] may we care enough to correct in the spirit of loving and [3] learn to accept that loving correction is but just a regular process to make our lives better.

Live, laugh and love.
a reflection on Mt7:1-5

Saturday, June 18, 2011

on boasting, weaknesses and provisions.

1] May we boast not on what we do for Christ but on what Christ does for us.

2] May our inadequacies, lapses and weaknesses give Jesus the opportunity to reveal Himself as the source of living water: God's grace.

3] May the worries show us the basic truth about ourselves, that we cannot survive it alone, that we are dependent on God's sufficient provisions.

a reflection on 2Cor12:1-10, Mt6:24-34

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

yes or no. (3pts a day)

1) Isn't it a lie to say yes even if deep inside you, you know, you don't want to do it? Isn't it still a lie still to say no to the things you do want to do? Let your yes means yes and No means no.

2) What glory is there for one man to say yes even if he knows he can't do it right for some reasons? Yes is not a virtue and No is not a sin.

3) Isn't that oath taking presupposes a sinful weakness of human race namely, the tendency to lie? Jesus demands a truthfulness that makes oaths unnecessary.

a reflection on Mt5:34-48

Saturday, June 11, 2011

learn to count

Should God bless others more than us, who are we to intervene? If He’ll choose to be generous to others, who are we to ask why? “What concern is it of us?”-Jn21:22.

If fairness is what we want, I don’t think we will be where we are right now. Nothing is due to us and nothing will. God does not owe us anything. Yet still, He blessed, is blessing and will continue to bless us. You might find it difficult to see it at times but YES, you are blessed; we all are.

Here are 3 points that would help us feel blessed and be happy no matter what the state of circumstance we are in:

1] Know how to count. If we focus on what others are getting instead of what we have, we’ll end up pointlessly whining about everything. When in fact, if we’ll just examine our lives, we’ll see how blessed we really are! "I murmured that I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet." –persian proverb

2] Learn to enjoy simple things. The saying “the best things in life are for free” may sound cliché but it is true! Slow down and take some time to appreciate the small things around you.It is not happiness that leads to gratitude; it is gratitude that leads to the sense of happiness.”

3] See trials as gifts. “Every blessing is a test and every trial is also a possible blessing”, it is just a matter of how you will take it. There is a gain in pain. If you want to know more check-out: "gain-in-pain"

It is funny to note how I ended up reading this FB application after writing this blog. 

Coincidence? Nah.

Let's take that as an affirmation to LIVE our lives counting blessings, to LAUGH more often enjoying simple things and to LOVE out loud.


Friday, June 10, 2011

praise. obey. love. (3pts a day)

1] We should live our lives as an act of gratitude and our service as response to all the things God has done, is doing and will do. Giving thanks, blessing His name regardless of the situation, PRAISES should be innate to those who do God’s work.

2] You can’t really say that you are for God and that you love him if you won’t follow His will. Even if it’s difficult, even if it’s in places you do not want to go, even if it means your life. The very proof of your love for God is OBEDIENCE, nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

3] Persecutions shouldn’t be viewed and perceived as obstacles in sharing God’s love, rather, it should push and compel us to. No other way can LOVE be magnified more, be so pure and in its highest state when it is given in difficult situations, to difficult people.

Live. Laugh. Love.
a reflection on Acts 25:13-21, Ps 103:1-20, Jn 21:15-19

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

be accountable. be accounted for. (3pts a day)

[1] While it is hard to defend from the attacks of our enemies, it is always more difficult (and painful) to deal with the assault from within. Don't just be on your guard, allow others to guard you. Be accountable. Be accounted for. (Acts20:28-31)

[2] While it is important to work hard to supply our own needs, it is always as important to strive to provide the needs of others. Don't just earn a living, sweat more for those who can't. Learn to give so that others may simply live. (Acts20:32-34)

[3] While it is imperative for a man to be tough and firm, it is as vital to kneel down and pray. Bended knee isn't a sign of weakness but of one's maturity, mature enough to admit that he can't make it alone. Pray and let others pray for you. (Acts20:36-38)

Live. Laugh. Love.
a reflection on Acts 20:28-38

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

grace unites (3pts a day)

1] Nothing really is ours. Nothing really is due to us. But we have been blessed so that all will know, it is only by God's grace we'll experience bliss. Only through Him, with Him, in Him.

2] Never hesitate to proclaim and share the whole will of God. Complete the task to testify good news of God's grace. Nothing is more important. Nothing is more needed.

3] If it is through unconditional love that all have been saved, we too should unite all things in Christ through God's grace.

Live. Laugh. Love.
a reflection on
Jn 17:1-11
Acts 20:24,27
Ps 68:18

Monday, June 6, 2011

figure it out (3pts a day)

1] Even if you are abandoned, know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Never was and never will be. (Jn16:32)

2] Peace is not the absence of war, it is not a situation but a state of one's heart, it is BEING IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD. (Jn16:33)

3] Don't just believe because you do understand but believe even if you don't. Faith isn't about being certain of what God's plan is but TRUSTING THAT THERE IS A PLAN EVEN IF WE CAN'T SEEM TO FIGURE IT OUT. (Jn16:29)

Live. Laugh. Love.
a reflection on Jn16:29-33

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Love Will Do The Rest

Beginnings are never easy
So much is still unknown
So many desires seeking fulfillment
Collide with the patient trust that
Everything is as it should be
Love does not rush
No masterpiece ever does
You do not plant the seed of a rose in the morning
And ask it to blossom by the afternoon
Lust is the first one in
And the first one out
But love…
Love is cool, calm and collected
It plays tricks on you to keep you honest
Love is a patient comedian
Who helps you to get over the fearful ego
So you have the fearlessness to BE with yourself and another
I do not ask for easy beginnings
Because I know that the One meant for me will stick
With no effort on my behalf
There is no striving for love
There is no convincing love to stay
There is just you
Your fearlessness
And trust
Love will do the rest

thanks to mastin kipp